Patricia Paquin and Mathieu Gratton, Quebec’s most beloved exes, are back on stage with Les EXséparables!

This second chapter, the follow-up to Les Ex — created in the mid-2000s and awarded three nominations at the Les Olivier Gala — will be touring the province from spring 2024 onwards.

Even more incisive, Patricia Paquin and Mathieu Gratton will look back on the news of the past 15 years, discuss work-family balance, offer live couple therapy, touch on sensitive subjects such as openness to the LGBTQ+ community and hatred on social networks, share with the audience the reality of having a child in their late 40s, and a few succulent anecdotes from their first tour. Humour, monologues, songs, touching moments and a tried-and-tested complicity - that's Les EXséparables!

Please note that this show is intended for an audience aged 16 and over.