In a dystopian future world, an artificial intelligence named Killer Queen, played by Annie Villeneuve, fiercely dominates humanity and the entire planet. Throughout this enslaved people, where all human relationships and creativity are forbidden, a small handful of Bohemians still resist, clinging in hope to a prophecy secretly handed down for generations: “There was a time when human beings were free to love each other, to sing and to play Rock music. One day, the Dreamer will bring that freedom back.
Having in their possession several digital artifacts proving this prophecy to be true and seeing Killer Queen's army on their tail to wipe out any trace of it, the Bohemians' leader, in a last desperate gesture, downloads all this data into the brain of a certain Galileo, played by Pierre-Olivier Grondin. Charged with a mission against his will, Galileo meets Scaramouche (Frédérique Cyr-Deschênes) and, through the timeless music of Queen, they embark on an epic quest to rediscover the power of love and rock music.
Is he the long-awaited Dreamer? Will he be the liberator of a lifeless humanity?
We Will Rock You invites you to celebrate the power of music and the spirit of Rock n' Roll.
Dinner-show - Available exclusively at Théâtre Capitole
Served from 5:30 p.m. in the theater
Tomato caprese salad, bocconcini cheese, balsamic reduction, basil and fried panko
Salmon tartar with guacamole and crispy chip
Layered grilled vegetables with goat cheese crumble and bell pepper coulis
Rainbow trout, cayman island salsa, basmati rice, grilled asparagus
Milanese pork osso bucco with creamy pesto bucatini and ratatouille
Braised beef short ribs on yukon gold mashed potatoes, carrots and pearl onions
Strawberry margarita cake with pretzels
(This menu is subject to change without notice)